about US
State Wide Indivisible Michigan is a grassroots coalition of Indivisible groups who work in collaboration to amplify our voice and increase our power through collective actions and shared resources. SWIM stands in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
Our mission is to actively protect, defend, and promote the principles and institutions of democracy for all people. The statewide organization will act as a resource to local groups to support this mission.
“I heard a voice move deep within that [said], 'We can do this, we’ve got to do this, and people want to do this.' We just needed a framework to do it together.”
Carrie, Indivisible Leader
Ann Arbor
I thrive on like-minded spirits coming together post-2016, creating a new sense of urgency and community, leading us on a long journey from a traditionally red city to a blue one. But, we know our work isn't done.
Terri, SWIM Leader
“I feel like we’re in the fight of our lives. It’s very emotional and energy-consuming … By doing this and taking action, it’s a great antidote to fear and depression.”
Laura, Indivisible Activist
Washtenaw County
I never expected to be committed to something so incredibly important for our communities, cities, states -- and the entire Nation. The fight for Democracy continues into the 21st Century, and we're here to greet its oppressors.
Maureen, Indivisible Leader
SWIM guiding principles
We believe local groups will determine their own priorities. Local groups will decide how best to act on the initiatives within their own regions, as they are most familiar with their unique culture and norms.
We believe local groups can opt to use SWIM resources as they see fit and that all local groups will have equal access to SWIM resources.
We believe local groups have the right & responsibility to communicate with National Indivisible. When applicable, SWIM will act as a facilitator, clarification point and liaison with National Indivisible as well as other partner groups, for coordinated impact.
We commit to challenging and dismantling systems of oppression that harm BIPOC communities. SWIM must be a better advocate and ally.
We commit to challenging and dismantling systems of oppression that harm BIPOC communities. SWIM must be a better advocate and ally.
We believe SWIM has the responsibility to compile a directory of local groups and facilitate a system of regular communication among these groups.
We believe decisions made regarding SWIM platform on an issue should be developed with input from the actively participating groups. Local groups will be provided with an opportunity to give input and feedback on these policies, and to opt out if they choose.
We believe the governance structure of SWIM will be a living, growing, learning entity that will evolve as the needs within the political environment change.
SWIM is guided by a CORE Team composed of approximately 6-8 statewide leaders who will oversee the creation and dissemination of resources, including assisting with event and project management. The CORE Team will include representation from each working group.
The CORE Team will meet regularly in order to review current projects and keep the working groups apprised of current tasks to avoid overlap.
The CORE Team will meet regularly with the Indivisible field organizer for Michigan.
The CORE Team will work in tandem with the SWIM working groups to ensure priorities are aligned.
Communications Team.
The Communications Team will act as a facilitator for both internal and external communications. They will collaborate with other working groups to assist in expedited passage of information to group leaders. Individual groups will process sending information to their general membership.
Outward communications from SWIM
Media relations (media contact/interview requests)​
Public social media channels Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube
Internal communications for SWIM​
Private SWIM group social media channels​
Email communications via Mailchimp
Working Slack group for projects
SWIM email account, swimindivisible@gmail.com
Raid Response System (REMIND app)
SWIM bimonthly newsletter
Member Services Committee.
The SWIM Member Services Committee has been established as a way to network local Indivisible groups all across the state. Member Services keeps current data on local groups and their leaders.
Current group leaders and contact information maintained and verified regularly
Cross-reference MailChimp distribution list with Leader list to keep an accurate mailing list
Maintain bit.ly/swimapp from Leader list
Publicly post leader list twice yearly on Facebook private page and Slack
Check-in calls will be made to local leaders approximately once a year to monitor engagement, concerns, and leader contacts. Feedback from leaders is recorded and a history is maintained. Efforts are always attuned to regionalizing contacts between locals and CORE members to support local concerns
Maintain SWIM Events spreadsheet for management and coordination of repeating meetings (CORE Team meetings, Leader meetings, Representative meetings
Climate Crisis Team.
The SWIM Climate Crisis working group's mission is to accelerate the adoption of effective actions in Michigan and by Michigan officials to address the climate crisi.
Enlist local Indivisible Climate Crisis Working Groups to support statewide and national strategies and campaigns
Encourage Indivisible members to pressure State-level officials to respond more rapidly and forcefully to the climate crisis through legislative, regulatory, administrative, and judicial action
Support national Indivisible climate crisis strategies and campaigns with Michigan-specific actions
The Team will submit specific action items to the Communications Team for the SWIM Newsletter once a month. Members are encouraged to act upon "action items" each month. A link to the "Climate Article," which highlights or explains the action item(s), will be available for members, as well as any recommended books or websites to explore.
Partnerships Team.
This team works to create and maintain relationships with allied activist groups who share our
progressive values. This includes the Democratic party, elected officials, candidates, and
campaigns both in state and out of state. The team is currently populated by CORE team
members who have chosen to maintain a relationship with one or more groups and have taken
responsibility for communication between that group and the SWIM membership. This allows
SWIM to work as a clearing house for resources that can be shared with individual members
directly or through the local groups.
Democracy Working Group.
The Democracy Working Group is an ephemeral group that rises to the occasion when necessary. The group will strategically plan statewide actions that are positive and supportive of our democratic values. Although taking into consideration the rapidly changing political landscape, the DWG will be intentional in its selection of campaigns on which it acts. The DWG will coordinate with Indivisible groups statewide whenever possible and may choose to work with SWIM partners when appropriate. Because Michigan is an important swing state with major impact on national policy, the DWG will focus on state issues around democracy, i.e. voter education, expanding voting rights, voter turn-out.
member groups across michigan
Indivisible Huron Valley
We believe in equitable reforms that embrace our diversity, without discrimination based on gender, gender identification, race, religion, ethnicity or disabilities.
Indivisible Fighting 9
We are a grassroots advocacy group from Michigan's 9th Congressional District.
Indivisible Greater Kalamazoo
We've joined together by the desire to promote democratic values of equality and justice.
Leelanau Indivisible
A grassroots group who love and live in Leelanau County, and are dedicated to building a better world for future generations through informed, engaged, and committed action.
Indivisible Livingston County
Our mission is to defeat the MAGA agenda and its supporters in Congress.
Traverse Indivisible
Indivisible Metro Detroit Women
We work tirelessly to elect progressive leaders, realize bold progressive policies, rebuild our democracy and defeat the MAGA agenda.