2 hours ago

17 hours ago


Mar 11
Best places to check for rallies:
The Resistance Calendar - put together by a coalition of partners including SWIM. Want you event on here? Submit it using the link at the top of the spreadsheet! This is an ongoing list of ALL PROTESTS AND RALLIES, please share widely! All Michigan groups can submit their events here.
Mobilize - This widely used platform for event sign-ups is available to any group through Indivisible National. Want you group's event added without having your own account? SWIM can post your event on our account! Email us at info@statewideindivisiblemi.com
Get updated info on the latest messaging for Indivisible National's Hands Off here.
Check out SWIM's newest partnership with
50501 Michigan:
We are making impacts on our Senators! They are shifting (yes, too slowly) towards a more resistant stance against the Trump regime. Keep making your voice heard! We need them to STAND UP and FIGHT against this authoritarian coup. They have done a few of the right things, and are doing more, and more loudly, since people have been flooding their offices and staff. Keep up the pressure!
And yes, thank them when they do something good and right. We all need encouragement!